Case Study – 05
More space for science institute
Year: 2021
Recent work for an institute for genome research based in the UK, and has championed open access to genomic data, recognising its potential for medical applications.
During the 2000s, they established research programmes alongside our sequencing facility to understand the functions of genes and develop clinical applications of the findings.
As genome sequencing rapidly turned biology into a big data science, we developed unique infrastructure, robotics and software on a scale unprecedented in life sciences. Analysing genomic data continues to bring new discoveries in health and disease and is advancing our understanding of life on Earth.
Scope of work/problem
One of the biggest problems was that storage capacity was no longer meeting demand.
Care and protection of material could not be guaranteed in the facilities being used to store the overflow.
The main storage area, originally designed to service one laboratory building, was now required to serve an additional four laboratory buildings as well as manage an increase in demand through the process. They required a system that gave them 140% extra inventory space and a supply chain process that enabled through put of another 260 SKU’s daily.
Compounding the issue, their supply chain and logistics system had not been refreshed in 7 years.
Work carried out
An initial analysis of the existing supply chain, including the overflow as well as current and planned material flows, provided the opportunity to develop a mid to long term strategy.
In addition, we took the opportunity to source alternative storage with an existing 3rd party logistics provider, to consolidate the overflow material.t.
Short Term – Sourced & implanted an offsite storage partner to provide capacity for the overflow material and create a call off process that allowed alleviation of on-site material congestion.
Short Term – Provided a full update on the current standard operating processes and the deviations within, including the impacts to allow the team to implement a continuous improvement plan.
Mid Term – We have been engaged to implement the improvement plan and design a brand-new on site facility that will bring the company’s logistics up to a standard that will be world class in the 21st century.